Today marks the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention. We wanted to take this moment to thank everyone in this community for the work you have done to spread awareness about the treaty and support full implementation and universalization. While challenges lie ahead, we remain hopeful that we will one day see a world free from the threat of chemical weapons because of people like you. In this month’s newsletter, we feature a request from Stefano Costanzi for CWC-related publications, an ACA press release about the 25th anniversary, and a statement from the OPCW about Ukraine. |
Brett Edwards (University of Bath) and Stefano Costanzi (American University) are compiling a collection of papers and reports from civil society (including NGOs, academia, think tanks, etc.) with specific recommendations for the next CWC review conference. The goal of this effort is to make these proposals clearly visible to the CWC states parties well before next year’s review conference, thus giving civil society a better chance to contribute to the outcome of the review conference. The finished product will be a simple and streamlined document that lists the paper/report title, a link, and a 3 to 4 bullet-point summary. Once the collection has been compiled, it will be made available on the CWC Coalition website. If you have or are aware of a paper or report that should be included in this collection, please send the title, link, and a bullet point summary to Stefano Costanzi at [email protected]. Contributors do not need to be a member of the CWC Coalition. Please pass on this message to anyone who might be interested in contributing. Note: Papers that have been collected thus far by Stefano Costanzi are listed below in the section titled “Collected Civil Society Papers and Reports.” |

25th Anniversary of the CWC: ACA Press Release
On the 25th anniversary of the CWC’s entry into force, experts caution that despite the CWC’s numerous achievements, the global taboo against chemical weapons possession, production, and use cannot be taken for granted.

Statement on Ukraine from the OPCW Spokesperson
The Secretariat has received from both the Russian Federation and Ukraine correspondence regarding threats of use of toxic chemicals as weapons. The OPCW will continue to monitor the situation and keep in contact with concerned States Parties.
- Strengthening controls on Novichoks: a family-based approach to covering A-series agents and precursors under the chemical-weapons nonproliferation regime, Stefano Costanzi and Gregory Koblentz (2022), The Nonproliferation Review,
- Meeting the Challenges of Chemical and Biological Weapons: Strengthening the Chemical and Biological Disarmament and Non-proliferation Regimes, Brett Edwards, Tatyana Novossiolova, Michael Crowley, Simon Whitby, Malcolm Dando, and Lijun Shang (2022), Frontiers in Political Science,
- Enhancing the Management and Enforcement of Compliance in the Regime Prohibiting Chemical Weapons, Ralph Trapp and Cheng Tang (2021), UNIDIR,
- Rigid Structures, Evolving Threat: Preventing the Proliferation and Use of Chemical Weapons, Suzanne Claeys, Rebecca Hersman, and Cyrus A. Jabbari (2019), CSIS,
- Countering the future chemical weapons threat, Tuan H. Nguyen (2022), Science,

The Richmond Register: The last M55 rocket containing VX nerve agent was destroyed at the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant April 19. “We are celebrating two milestones today,” said Dr. Candace Coyle, BGCAPP site project manager. “First, the entire U.S. stockpile of VX nerve agent is now completely destroyed. Next, this marks the completion of the fourth of five chemical weapons destruction campaigns in Kentucky.”
ON OUR CALENDAR 29 April — 25th Anniversary of the Entry-Into-Force of the Chemical Weapons Convention 5 May — Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Webinar: Biological and Chemical Weapons Security and the War in Ukraine – RSVP & Learn More 23-25 May — NCT Europe 2022 Conference – RVSP & Learn More |