The CWC Coalition is working on a busy schedule of programming to keep members and the public involved in important chemical weapons related discussions. We want to highlight some of the events, meetings, and dates of note coming up! More details about each item will be provided closer to the date scheduled. Sunday, August 14: Final deadline for CSP-27 applications. Wednesday, September 14: Stimson’s Blockchain in Practice team will present their Monitoring and Tracking Chemicals (MATCH) prototype, which uses blockchain technology to reduce the occurence of transfer discrepancies in reporting trade flows of Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals to the OPCW. Late September: OPCW will communicate application results for CSP-27. Monday, September 26: Google Form distributed to CWC Coalition to collect joint topic suggestions for CSP-27 NGO statements. Tuesday, October 11: Internal CWC Coalition meeting to discuss NGO statements for CSP-27, followed by Discussion Series Presentation: Chemical Terrorism End of October: Public Webinar – Destroying the World’s Chemical Arsenals: A Quarter Century of Verified Chemical Weapons Destruction Early November: Discussion Series Presentation: Chemical Security in Africa Monday, November 28 – Friday, December 2: 27th Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CSP-27) Side Event: Refining Your Message: NGO Workshop – Co-Lead by the OPCW Public Affairs Staff Early December: Google Form distributed to the CWC Coalition to collect feedback on CSP-27 Early December: Public Webinar – CSP-27 Briefing End of December: Discussion Series Presentation: Chemical Industry and the CWC Note: Some event dates may shift slightly depending on availability of speakers. |

New Podcast Episodes: Poisons and Pestilence
In 2021, Dr. Brett Edwards (University of Bath) started a new podcast that dives into the history of chemical and biological weapons. Check out all the latest episodes on PodBean, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Deadline for NGO applications to CSP-27 is August 14!
Don’t forget to apply to the 27th Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention! CSP-27 is currently scheduled for 28 November – 2 December 2022. NGO applications are due August 14.
Email us with any questions or issues!
In Case You Missed It The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) team completed the destruction of more than 383,000 mustard agent-filled 105mm projectiles on July 20th. The 105mm projectiles are the second of three munitions destruction campaigns to be destroyed at the Pueblo Chemical Depot (PCD). The Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Committee met in late July to discuss permit modification requests and update the community on progress at PCAPP. Mallory Stewart, Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, spoke at the meeting and reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to meeting the September 2023 deadline for total stockpile elimination. Two of the three Static Detonation Chambers are operating at 50% (3 4.2-inch mortar rounds per hour, but the two units cannot operate concurrently), and one is operating at 75% (5 4.2-inch mortar rounds per hour). |
Now Online: Change and Continuity in the OPCW (Doctoral Thesis) The doctoral thesis of CWC Coalition member Dr. Alexander Ghionis is now online. The research develops a unique assessment of the organisational cultures of the OPCW and the Technical Secretariat. Then, a case study on OPCW responses to perceived challenges posed by chemical terrorism and non-state actors explores how changing unfolds. The thesis argues that the OPCW TS are purposive actors in the OPCW’s development and are integral in ensuring the CWC remains relevant and effective. Congratulations to Dr. Ghionis on this accomplishment! Read Now |